agenda 12 Dec
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Enc. 1 GC Minutes 1306
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Enc. 2 Governance AMS
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Enc. 3 Scheme of Delegation report
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Enc. 3 App. 2 Delegation of Responsibilities
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Enc. 3 App. 3 Operational Committee Constitution
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Enc. 4 Rule of 85 Applications
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Enc. 5 Forward Plan
- Any other information the Board determines to be confidential
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting